What can go right can go wrong. So think about the earlier list of requirements for a great enzyme: The enzyme could lose its affinity to A, or to B. It could, for example, become LESS specific, attracting the wrong chemicals. It could lose its ability to bring them together and cause a reaction. For example, hormones help regulate enzymatic action. It could lose its ability to change its structure in response to the addition of a hormone messanger that tells it to "Make more!" or "Make less!" It could lose its ability to give up the molecules in its binding site. It all sounds very human. Home-+-Index-+- + Protein Stories
So think about the earlier list of requirements for a great enzyme: The enzyme could lose its affinity to A, or to B. It could, for example, become LESS specific, attracting the wrong chemicals. It could lose its ability to bring them together and cause a reaction. For example, hormones help regulate enzymatic action. It could lose its ability to change its structure in response to the addition of a hormone messanger that tells it to "Make more!" or "Make less!" It could lose its ability to give up the molecules in its binding site. It all sounds very human.
So think about the earlier list of requirements for a great enzyme:
It all sounds very human.