Exploring a protein
[Loudon, G. Marc. organic chemistry, Menlo Park, CA:Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co. p. 1988]
Where are amino acids closest together? Close pairs probably have positive and negative charges that attract.
Where is the inside (probably hydrophobic) and where is the outside (probably hydrophilic) of this protein? If you have trouble with this part, go through "What are amino acids anyway?"
There is a long channel with the binding site inside. See http://www.mbp.duke.edu/mbp/geom/atlas/lyz/gif/lyz_site.gif
How many disulfide bonds are there? What amino acid seems to be capable of making them?
What do those bonds do for the structure of the protein?
Can you imagine this in 3-D?
Go out on the Internet and look at a 3-D version of lysosome:
What could happen if only one amino acid was replaced at a key location?
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